Acts of Art One Work Essays

Acts of Art Community Conversation

Ben Jones, Dindga McCannon, Ademola Olugebefola, Ann Tanksley, Lloyd Toone, Fay Leeper

Cosmic Shelter Digital Zine

Cosmic Shelter Programming-in-Progress: MFA Performance Showcase

Performances by lele dai, Danielle Alhassid with Chanan Ben Simon, Ali Motamedi & Marvin Brown, and Alex Schmidt with Karewith Casas & Anthony Torrano

Cosmic Shelter Programming-in-Progress: Curatorial Talks

-Curatorial Team Symposium with Thais Bignardi, Rowan Diaz-Toth, and Angelica Pomar
-Curator Talk with Daniela Mayer

The Dark Database: Facial Recognition and its “Failure” to Enroll

Dennis Delgado with Calvin John Smiley
Event recording available HERE

The Black Index: Curatorial Lecture by Bridget R. Cooks

The Black Index: Publication Launch

Discussions with contributors and font designers of The Black Index publication on the occasion of its launch. Recording available HERE

Global Abolition and Visual Art: Ruth Wilson Gilmore and Shellyne Rodriguez

Constance DeJong: Exhibition Walkthrough Video

Following the path of the gallery visitor, this recording uses spatialized sound technology to capture the sonic and visual complexity of the exhibition.

Constance DeJong: Virtual Book Launch

Event recording available now

Constance DeJong: Digital Constellations